How do you manage a concussion | We ask Dr Soroush Ebtash.

With the summer season and the sporting activities gearing up, so does the occurrence rate of injurious. One of the important and common injuries in the sporting world is concussion. 
Concussion is a brain injury and must be taken seriously to ensure and safeguard the short and long term health of all players.

The majority (80-90%) of concussions resolve in a short (7-10 days) period. The recovery time is longer in children and adolescents. One needs to remember that their brains are still developing and therefore a more conservative approach needs to be taken with them. While symptoms may resolve, the brain takes a bit longer to recover fully so this needs to be factored into the recovery protocols.

During this recovery period, the brain is more vulnerable to further injury, and if a player returns too early, before they have fully recovered, this may result in:

  • Prolonged concussion symptoms
  • Increased risk of developing Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) with symptoms lasting over 3 months
  • Possible increased risk of long term health consequences e.g. mild cognitive impairment or degenerative brain disorders in later life.

Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT) is the most common standard used when dealing with such events. Every parent and sports trainer should be aware of this to ensure the welfare of all players.

As a guide the following should be a minimum procedure when dealing with a player who has sustained a possible concussive event.

Step 1

  • Recognise the injury by using the Pocket CRT


Step 2

  • Any player with suspected concussion should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM PLAY, and should not be returned to activity (training or playing) until they are assessed medically.

Step 3

  •  Report the incident to their club officials (if applicable)

Step 4

Monitor the player with a suspected concussion which includes:

  • NOT consume alcohol and keep well hydrated.
  • NOT drive a motor vehicle.
  • NOT be left alone, and be woken every 2-3 hours during the night to ensure they are well.

 Step 5

  • Rest from all activity until symptoms recover.

Step 6

  • Consult with a medical professional on a graduated return to training and playing.

Step 7

  • Medical clearance required to return to play.

There are plenty out there to read about concussions. Please feel free to download the Pocket CRT attached to this email. Use the Christmas season to educate yourself and your family. Please feel free to speak to one of our Chiropractors or physiotherapists to discuss any questions you may have.

Can I find relief from neck pain | We Ask Dr Soroush Ebtash

The old saying “so and so is such a pain in the neck” highlights how frustrating neck pain can be. Discomfort, soreness, and stiffness can make it hard to turn your head and difficult to get comfortable while doing almost anything.

To put it simply, neck pain can be a real pain in the neck! Even minor neck pain can affect your quality of life – but relief is available, and it doesn’t come from a bottle.
While most neck pain is related to emotional stress like worrying about a deadline, physical stress is also a contributing factor.

Here are a few ways to reduce physical stress on your neck:

  1. Take frequent breaks from sitting in front of a computer. Keep your head aligned with your spine and relax your jaw – the same goes for when you’re texting.
  2. Sleeping on your stomach can stress your neck. Try a side or back position with a supportive neck pillow.
  3. Move. Shrug your shoulders up and down. Pull your shoulder blades together to prevent the neck from stiffening.

Follow up your treatment plan and make regular care a part of your routine.

If you feel the emotional stress is a contributor to your neck pain then practicing mindfulness, yoga, meditation and/or seeking counselling to address the hidden cause behind the physical manifestation of the emotional pain should be on top of your list for 2021