What is Functional Capacity Assessment within my NDIS Plan?

Within your NDIS Plan you may see the term “functional capacity assessment” within the area of funding for Occupational Therapy

A functional capacity assessment is an all-encompassing assessment that addresses all areas of your life to identify strengths and barriers, areas requiring assistive technology or additional support or funding from NDIS and areas where your needs are adequately met.

Sounds a little intimidating? Don’t Worry!  That’s why we are here!!

A functional capacity assessment is designed to paint the most accurate picture of YOU and YOUR NEEDS to NDIS. 

For example, you could state to NDIS that you have some difficulty showering but can complete it, however by completing the showering tasks independently you are then confined to the couch to rest for an hour or so to recover. This might take time away from spending time with your family, or engaging in an activity that satisfies you mentally, physically or socially. A functional capacity assessment can breakdown the task and offer some valuable insights and recommendations surrounding potential equipment or work simplification strategies (maybe a shower stool, a handheld shower hose and a long handled sponge) to make the world of difference to completing the task.

This is one example of many.

As an Occupational Therapist I am equipped with the functional knowledge and experience to assist you to get the most out of your time, energy and assistance. With you being the expert in YOU and me being the expert in OT – we make a great team!

You may find it comforting to know that a functional capacity assessment is typically completed in the comfort of your home. In my experience, it can take approximately 2 hours and during the assessment, I will complete a thorough assessment including: 

  • what supports you currently have in place
  • activities of daily living such as cooking, cleaning, personal care, showering, toileting, work or parental responsibilities
  • how you access the areas in your home, the equipment you have in place and equipment you may also require 
  • community access, driving, public transport
  • managing your medication, finances and well-being
  • Memory, thinking, communication
  • Upper and lower limb function, mobility and transfers including falls

If you feel as though your needs are not being met within your NDIS plan and need assistance from an Occupational Therapist, speak with your Local area coordinator or Support coordinator about accessing a Functional Capacity Assessment.

Beth Wiggins is one of our Occupational Therapists at The Wellness Place and as part of her role within our team, she conducts Functional Capacity Assessments for patients with an NDIS plan.