Psychology at The Wellness Place

Psychology encompasses all aspects of the human experience, and the study of psychology encompasses all the elements involved in understanding behavior, and more precisely, the factors that motivate behavior.

Psychology is the study of mental processes, behavior, and the relationship between the two. Mental processes in psychology refer to learning, motivation, reasoning, and emotion, among others. In other words, the study of psychology involves learning how humans think, feel, learn, interact, perceive, and understand, whether alone or when interacting with other people or the environment.

Psychology is both a natural science concerned with innate factors and primal drives that align with the laws of nature, and a social science concerned with the study of behaviors, feelings, and thoughts, and the environmental factors that contribute to them.

A psychologist can help with some of the following:

  • Grief and Loss
  • Relationship problems
  • Addiction and problematic substance use
  • Emotional management
  • Stress management
  • Symptoms of PTSD
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleeping difficulties.