A plantar wart, also referred to as plantar verruca is a skin condition caused by the Human Papiloma Virus. This virus is very common, and presents on the feet. It infects the skin causing an abnormal reproduction of the skin’s appearance. Verrucas can be embarrassing for some however there is no need to be concerned as there are various treatments for Plantar verruca’s.
Verruca’s can be painful due to their raised appearance on the skin and are often surrounded by hyperkeratosis (callus). They often contain small black dots within them, these are small blood vessels. If you think you may have a verruca, it could be time to visit a Podiatrist.
What can Podiatrists do?
Podiatrists will assess the lesion to determine if it is verruca or something else like callus, or a foreign body. We will ask for a medical history so that we can determine the best treatment plan for you. Treatments can include debridement of the tissue and the use of chemicals such as silver nitrate, or salicylic acid. We can modify insoles and use padding to offload the Verruca so that you can stay active and pain free throughout treatment. Verruca’s that don’t respond to these treatments may require further interventions such as Swift Microwave therapy or Faulkner’s needling.
What can you do?
Verruca is a virus that is transferable through direct contact or surfaces. If you think you have a verruca it is important to wear socks around the house or public places to minimise the cross-contamination.
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